I don't know about you, but I love bread.  LOVE it!  Nothing quite beats a slice of warm crusty bread fresh from the oven, thickly spread with butter!  I'd say that's more than a bit responsible for where I find myself today, needing to lose some weight.

Of course, following the Slimming World plan doesn't mean that you can't have bread!  You can actually have whatever foods you like, as long as you account for it from your daily syn allowance.  For me though, it does mean cutting down a LOT, I was eating far too much bread in the past and continuing like that really isn't conducive to a healthy diet!

I'm now using Weight Watchers Brown Danish bread, and 3 slices of that counts as my Healthy Extra "b" choice for the day.  I've even found that it's pretty tasty, so no complaints there.  The problem is, "what to spread on it?".  I do have butter as a very occasional treat but I can't use that every time I have bread, I'd have no syns left for other things.  I tried extra light mayonnaise, and that's not too bad but it's not something I could eat on it's own in the way you can have a slice of bread and butter, so I've still been searching around for a replacement.

This week, I think I've found a good solution - pease pudding!  It's completely free on the Slimming World  extra easy plan, tastes great and is full of fibre.  It's lovely spread thickly on a slice of bread, sprinkled with some salt and pepper.  Result! :)

Oh, apologies to those of you who don't live in the North East of England, like I do.  Fresh pease pudding is available in most supermarkets here, either in tubs or sold loose on the deli counter.  I know from the years that I spent living in London that the only thing you can get there is tinned pease pudding by a company called Foresight.  It's not *too* bad, though to those who are used to the "real" thing, it's no substitute!  Much better to make your own, as I used to do when I lived down south.  There's a great recipe for it from Two Fat Vegetarians here.  Traditionally it's made with ham stock, so I'd use a ham stock cube in place of their veggie one.

Keep it in the fridge and spread it on your bread when you have a ham sandwich (ham and pease pudding is the classic combo up here), lovely!  It's also nice as an extra side vegetable when you're having salad, so give that a go too.

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    Hello and welcome to my blog!  My name is Ian, I'm trying to lose weight on the Slimming World plan, and I created this blog to keep a diary of my journey.  If you're on the same journey (or even if you're not) company makes the travel fly by, so join me!  Feel free to share your thoughts and comments, the more, the merrier.

    My weight:
    4 Nov 2013 19st 9lb (275lbs)
    11 Nov 2013 19st 1lb (267lbs)

    18 Nov 2013 18st 13lb (265lbs)
    25 Nov 2013 18st 9lb (261lbs)
    2 Dec 2013 18st 10lb (262lbs)
    9 Dec 2013 18st 6lb (258lbs)
    16 Dec 2013
    18st 7lb (259lbs)
    3 wks of Christmas madness
    6 Jan 2014 18st 6.5lb (258.5lbs)

    13 Jan 2014 18st 9lb (261lbs)
    20 Jan '14 18st 11.5lb (263.5lbs)


    January 2014
    December 2013
    November 2013

